Attention Seniors and Friends!!        The last date for withdrawal of abstracts submitted to IRACON 2024 is 23rd September 11.50PM.        Kindly send a formal request for withdrawal to through registered email id along with abstract number and title.    

Submit Abstract

Rules and Regulations

  • Members and non-members of the Indian Rheumatology Association are eligible to submit an abstract.
  • Abstracts that describe original basic and clinical science related to the broad area of rheumatic diseases may be submitted.
  • If the abstract reports result of a clinical trial, you will be required to provide information on the trial phase and the trial registration with Clinical Trial Registry of India (CTRI) OR in the country where the trial has been registered (as a part of the main abstract/ case study body).
  • The abstract should not have been already published or should not be a part of a publication in a peer reviewed journal.
  • Any work with human or animal subjects reported in submitted abstracts must comply with the guiding principles for experimental procedures in the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki.
  • Last date for submission of abstracts is: 22 September 2024.
  • Registration for the conference is mandatory for presentation of the abstract.
  • Abstracts will be judged according to the scientific merit and relevance by the SCIENTIFIC COMMITEE IRACON 2024.
  • Abstract should not contain brand names, trade names or non-standard acronyms or any commercial advertisements.
  • The presenting author should be willing to present the work during the IRACON 2024 as either an oral platform presentation or poster presentation as assigned by the scientific committee.
  • It is implied that the authors, by virtue of submission of the abstract, agree to the publication of the same in the souvenir of the conference/ Indian Journal of Rheumatology- Supplementary Issue.
  • Abstracts can only be submitted online via the online abstract submission system.
  • Abstracts sent by post or email will not be accepted. No exceptions will be made.
  • Please ensure that your abstract does not contain spelling, grammatical or scientific errors, as it will be reproduced exactly as submitted. No proofreading will be done.
  • Abstract acceptance will be in one of two categories: oral presentation or poster presentation.
  • The final decision about acceptance of an abstract will be taken by the SCIENTIFIC COMMITEE IRACON 2024. SCIENTIFIC COMMITEE IRACON 2024 does not correspond on the reasons for acceptance/rejection of an abstract.
  • Should you decide to withdraw your abstract, a written statement reflecting the reasons for this decision must be sent to the IRACON Secretariat not later than 30th August 2024
  • If an abstract is accepted as a poster presentation, the presenting author will be requested to be available for discussion during the corresponding poster viewing session.
  • If an abstract is selected for oral presentation, the presenting author, as specified at submission, will be requested to present it in the assigned session. At the time of abstract submission, the submitter must identify who will be the presenting author.
  • To be eligible as presenting author, the individual will be required to give an undertaking that he/she had full access to all data in the study and takes full responsibility for the integrity of the data, accuracy of data analysis, and has the approval of other authors for presentation. The presenting author need not be the first author, but must be a listed author on the abstract. Only one (01) presenter is permitted per abstract.

Please Note

  • The submitting author is the sole point of contact for all abstract co-authors. The organizing committee will direct all inquiries/ details/ instructions to the submitting author.
  • The organizing committee requests the author(s) to refrain from contacting the organizers or scientific chair personally or telephonically. Any queries regarding abstract status, notification, distribution, and/or publication dates etc. may be sent to the IRACON through email.

The decision of the SCIENTIFIC COMMITEE IRACON 2024 to accept/ reject the abstract and the mode of presentation (oral/poster) would be final. No correspondence/ recommendation shall be entertained in this regard.

Categories for Submission

  • 1. BASIC RESEARCH- Including Genetic, Biochemical, and Translational research

    • Antiphospholipid syndrome
    • Autoinflammatory diseases
    • COVID-19
    • Crystal related disorders
    • Pain in rheumatic diseases, including fibromyalgia
    • Immunodeficiency
    • Infection-related rheumatic diseases
    • Inflammatory myopathies
    • Metabolic bone diseases and osteoporosis
    • Mixed connective tissue disease, Sjὅgren's syndrome, Systemic sclerosis and Other connective tissue disorders
    • Osteoarthritis and other mechanical musculoskeletal problems
    • Psoriatic arthritis
    • Rheumatoid arthritis
    • Sarcoidosis
    • Spondyloarthritis
    • Systemic lupus erythematosus
    • Vasculitis including polymyalgia rheumatica, Bechet’s


    • HPR Measuring health
    • HPR Epidemiology and public health
    • HPR Interventions
    • HPR Patients' perspectives



    Submit Abstract

    Abstract preparation guidelines

    Abstracts on Original (Clinical/Basic) Research

    The main content of the abstract should not be more than 400 words (excluding title, authors list and affiliation)

    The Abstract should be structured into the following sections:

    • Title
    • Authors (List of authors, presenting author listed separately)
    • Affiliation (Institutional Affiliation)
    • Email and phone number of submitting author
    • Email and phone number of presenting author
    • Category-
    • Main body of the Abstract
      • Background
      • Objectives
      • Methods
      • Results
      • Conclusions
      • References (optional)

    Table and Images:

    A total maximum of any two figures, graphs, images or tables is allowed per abstract, e.g. 1 graph and 1 table, or 2 graphs, or 2 images. Multi-panel figures are NOT allowed. Images to be sent in high quality JPEG or PNG format with a clear label.

    Submit Abstract

    Abstracts on Case Reports/ Case Series

    The main content of the abstract should not be more than 400 words (excluding title, authors list, affiliation, type of study, subject, email id and phone number)

    The Abstract should be structured into the following sections;

    • Title
    • Authors (List of authors, presenting author listed first)
    • Affiliation (Institutional Affiliation)
    • Email and phone number of submitting author
    • Email and phone number of presenting author
    • Main body of the Case Report
      • Case report/ case series
      • Discussion
      • Conclusion
      • References (optional)

    Table and images:

    A total maximum of any two figures, graphs, images or tables is allowed per abstract, e.g. 1 graph and 1 table, or 2 graphs, or 2 images. Multi-panel figures NOT are allowed. Images to be sent in high quality JPEG or PNG format with a clear label.

    Encore Abstract Guidelines

    • 1. Encore presentations are permitted as long as work has been presented after Jan 2024
    • 2. Presenter of the abstract should be an author of the work submitted.
    • 3. The presenting author should be a registered delegate of IRACON 2024.
    • 4. Encore submissions are required to disclose the name and date of the event where it was previously presented.
    • 5. Details of whether the same abstract is being presented or an updated version is being presented should be mentioned.
    • 6. For company sponsored work, disclaimers, acknowledgements and conflict of interests should be mentioned.
    • 7. Placing the company emblem will not be acceptable.
    • 8. Presentation by a Pharma representative is not allowed.

    Submit Abstract