Welcome to IRACON 2024

Dear Esteemed Colleagues,

It is a pleasure to welcome you all to IRACON 2024 being hosted in the beautiful city of Bengaluru.

Our theme for this year, “Together in pursuit of Excellence”, reflects our commitment to bringing forward the collaborations across fraternities. One of the efforts in this direction is to bring the Special Interest Groups (SIGs) in IRA to the centre stage, wherein they will be showcasing their strength of networking. Further, we propose to engage with Basic Scientists and several other Medical specialists to further our knowledge and thereby impart the best care to our patients.

Let us seize this opportunity to learn from each other, to grow together!

We welcome suggestions from all of you and are very much looking forward to seeing all of you at Bengaluru.

Scientific Highlights

IRACON is a gigantic annual rheumatology conference in India. The platform connects numerous experts with updated knowledge to assist in learning and broadening the rheumatology network. The primary objective of IRACON is to enrich your knowledge and skills while fostering meaningful connections with fellow learners.


Teaser Thursday November 21, 2024

  • IRA Refresher Course and Applied Immunobiology
  • Focused Group Discussion
  • Workshop Details
    1. Point of Care Rheumatology Ultrasound (POCRUS) – Advanced
    2. MRI for the Rheumatologist
    3. Advanced DXA and BMD
    4. CTD – ILD
    5. Scientific writing and Publication
    6. Auto-antibody and Newer Lab techniques in Rheumatology
    7. Soft Tissue Rheumatism, Fibromyalgia and tendinopathies
    8. Outcome measures and skin scoring in systemic sclerosis
    9. Artificial Intelligence in Rheumatology
    10. GRAPPA

Note: Faculty names will be updated shortly.

Prodigious Friday November 22, 2024

Topics Learning Objectives
Reminiscing Dr Debashish Danda Cherishing contribution of Dr Danda to the Rheumatology world
IgG4-Related Disease: Lessons from the first 20 years
Review the history of IgG4-RD, highlighting major milestones and breakthroughs over the past 20 years
To apply these lessons for early diagnosis and to improve clinical outcomes in patients with IgG4-RD
Futuristic Precognition
Meteorological Manipulations of Maladies Learn whether and how weather and climate impact immune system and immune-mediated rheumatic diseases
Somatic mutations causing non- malignant disease Genotype-phenotype correlation and emerging therapeutics of Immune- Mediated Diseases
RA symposium
Precision Medicine in RA: Bountiful Treasure or Fool’s Gold? Is it a myth or a reality ?
Pathoimmunobiology and synovial histopathology guided stratification of treatment choices in RA
Pushing Boundaries in the Era of RA Biologics, how far have we come? Learn whether improving articular outcomes in RA are reflected in the outcomes such as mortality/ CV morbidity/ malignancy risks
Myositis symposium
The Two-Way Street Between Bench and Bedside:
Muscle Histopathology
Learning through mini CPCs
Develop the ability to critically analyze histopathological findings and their implications for clinical care
Insights into pathogenesis myositis from transcriptomic analyses Pathogenic role of myositis antibodies and role of IFN signature in various myositis
Spondyloarthritis symposium
Current treatment recommendations in axSpA and axPsA: how are they supported by evidence? Understanding current treatment recommendations in axSpA and PsA Analysing evidence from clinical trials, guidelines, and expert consensus.
MRI of the spine and sacroiliac joints in axial spondyloarthritis- Can AI take us a step further? Role of AI in MRI spine and SIJ interpretation especially in context of detecting inflammation vs damage
Role of low dose CT scan (LDCT) in the diagnosis of AxSpA Low dose CT: Techniques, advantages and comparison to MRI. Learning points from Indian data
Year in Review
Year in Review - Basic Science & Clinical research Critically analyse the practice changing publications in Rheumatology in the last year in clinical and Basic science
Year in Review- Indian research To appraise the audience the practice changing publications emerging from India in the previous year
Osteoporosis panel discussion
Panel discussion on osteoporosis led by domain expert Enhance understanding of concepts of osteoporosis diagnosis and therapy
Precision Medicine Symposium
Targeting specific pathogenic pathway perturbations in OA- a road to DMOAD? DMOADs - MAPK pathway/ TLR / IL1ß/ enzyme inhibitors/ growth factors critical appraisal of the available evidence
Domain-Driven Therapy Decisions in SSc: Are we there yet ?! Domain-specific strategies in managing SSc, including patient stratification and personalised medicine approaches.
Diagnostic accuracy and clinical impact of automated interpretation of Muscle MRI Quantitative measurement of muscle volume and inflammation
Fat fraction analysis
Correlation of qMRI with histopathology
Medical Humanities: Looking beyond science
Equipoise and the Rheumatologist of today
“Rheumatology and Alfred Nobel’s legacy “ a century of progress

Note: Faculty names will be updated shortly.

Spectacular Saturday November 23, 2024

Topics Learning Objectives
Scleroderma Symposium
Fibroblast: What a Clinician Should Know? Understanding fibroblasts, signaling pathways, and therapeutic targets
Quantifying inflammation and fibrosis- identifying treatable traits Identifying the different clinical expressions and endotypes by the biological networks in SSc that enable therapeutics
Screening and diagnosis of ILD in patients with CTD Learn the importance of early ILD screening, key risk factors, and diagnostic tools in CTD patients. Understand ILD variability in CTDs and create tailored screening protocols
Mulling over omnipresent Infections
Virulent vigilance: Key strategies to prevent infections Infection risk prediction based on drug use and prevention strategies such as antimicrobial prophylaxis and vaccination
Insidious imitations: Infections masquerading as autoimmunity How infections resemble autoimmune responses, and discuss the implications for treatment and patient management
A cultural shift: latest in infection diagnostics Learn the challenges of culture-based infection detection and explore emerging non-culture diagnostic technologies and their limitations
Lupus Symposium
SLE: Emerging therapeutic avenues and the blind alleys WIN: Therapies such as TLR/Tyk2 inhibitors
Lupus Nephritis Unplugged: Tackling Kidneys beyond Immunosuppressives Non- immunosuppressive therapies for LN
Role of ACEi/ ARB/ SGLT 2 inhibitors
Current evidence and practical applications
Future-Proofing SLE: Smart Strategies for Long-Term Success Improving long term outcome in SLE: strategies for the future
Vasculitis Symposium
Vasculitis Mimics: The Great Imitator Learn from the master: Unique Considerations and Challenges in distinguishing vasculitis from its mimics
Jak inhibitors in Aortoarteritis- Do they stand a chance? Emerging data on the use of JAK inhibitors for aortoarteritis
AAV: Dramatic progress over the past quarter century Learn how the diagnostic and treatment protocols for AAV have evolved in the past quarter century
Sjögren's Symposium
Many Faces of Ro-52 in Autoimmune Disease Impact of Ro52 in clinical phenotypes of CTDs(Asymptomatic, RA, SLE, CHB, Sjogren’s, Myositis, ILD)
Hope on the Horizon: Potential End to the Dry Spell Emerging Therapies in Sjogren’s Syndrome with positive signals in RCT
How they contribute to our understanding of pathogenesis of Sjogren’s
Showcasing Research in India
Ushering in an era of Collaborative research in India– Coming of Age Listen to stories of a new era of collaborative research representing a transformative shift in the Indian rheumatology landscape leading to not only a collective advancement of knowledge but also strengthening relationships
SIG Sessions: Jodo india- Weaving the threads together
RA Clinical spectrum and outcomes of RA-ILD and RA-Vasculitis
SpA Through the Gender spectrum: Analysing clinico- Radiological profiles in spondylarthritis
PsA (PASIG) Profile, clinical features and treatment trends in Indian patients with Psoriatic Arthritis: data from the multicentre, prospective PASIG registry
IIM Spectrum of MDA-5 positive IIM disease in India - A Multi centre experience over 10 years
SSc Oral health in patients with scleroderma
IRAVAS Revisiting ITAS: initial validation
Sjogren’s Syndrome Sjögren’s Indian Collaborative Clinical Associates (SICCA)- registry data
Women’s Health Issues Osteoporosis in women with RA
Reproductive Rheumatology Maternal and Fetal Outcomes in Women with Rheumatoid Arthritis
IgG4 RD Phenotypic Spectrum of IgG4 related disease in India

Note: Faculty names will be updated shortly.

Sumptuous Sunday November 24, 2024

Hall A
Topics Learning objectives
Mini debates (20min X 3) (7 min each debater) Enhance Critical Analysis of Medical Evidence:
9:00 - 10:00 Invasive Insight or Outdated Practice? Reevaluating Muscle Biopsies in Myositis Critically evaluate and interpret medical literature, research data, and clinical guidelines to support medical decisions
The Vitamin D Dilemma: Essential Evaluation or Extravagant Expense Learn from diverse viewpoints on controversial or complex medical issues, recognizing the strengths and limitations
To Stop or Not to Stop: The Anticoagulation Dilemma in APLA
CARving New Pathways: Looking forward to next Decade
10:00 - 11:00 The Biology of CAR T-Cell Therapy: Engineering Immunity Gain a foundational understanding of engineering of CAR T-cell therapy, including its development, genetic modifications and molecular processes involved in designing targeted therapies.
Transforming Cancer Treatment: The Rise of CAR T-Cell Therapy
  • Successes and challenges in Cancer treatments using CAR T cells
  • Learn about ongoing research and the development of next-generation CAR T-cells, including improvements in safety, efficacy, and application beyond hemato-oncology.
Exploring CAR T-Cell Applications in Rheumatology: A Vision for the Next Decade
  • Learn about the potential for CAR T-cells to selectively target and eliminate autoreactive immune cells, offering a new therapeutic approach for autoimmune diseases.
  • Future directions of CAR T-cell therapy, including ongoing research, potential clinical applications using potential next-generation therapies.
QnA 10min
Mobility break:Stretch & Stroll (11-11:15 AM)
11:20 - 11:40 Neurology Networks: Autoimmune Neuropathies: Newer insights Updated understanding of autoimmune neuropathies, focusing on recent advancements and their implications for clinical practice (eg Multifocal motor neuropathy, anti-MAG neuropathy, Neurofascin Antibody-Associated Disorders)
11:40 - 12:00 Neurology Networks: Cracking NMOSD: Unmasking the Immune Culprits
  • Understanding the overlap of NMOSD in systemic autoimmune diseases
  • Efficacy of emerging treatments, such as complement inhibitors and IL-6 receptor antagonists.
12:00 - 12:05 QnA Neurology Networks
12:05- 12:25 Targeted Diets in Autoimmunity: Are we missing the Microbiota Magic? Dietary interventions and their effects on gut microbiota composition and function. Understand challenges and limitations in current research and practice regarding diet and gut microbiota in autoimmunity
12:30 IRA matters valedictory
13:00 - 14:00 LUNCH/ Packed Lunch
Hall B
Topics Learning objectives
9:00 - 10:00 Mini debates (20min X 3) (7 min each debater) Enhance Critical Analysis of Medical Evidence:
The AVN Dilemma: Conservative Management or Core Decompression? Critically evaluate and interpret medical literature, research data, and clinical guidelines to support medical decisions
The Role of Early Antifibrotic Therapy in SSc ILD: Do or Delay Learn from diverse viewpoints on controversial or complex medical issues, recognizing the strengths and limitations
Beyond Calcium & Vitamin D: What's Your First Move in Osteoporosis Treatment?
10:00 - 11:00 Yoga Meets Immunity: Flexing Science for a Stronger Defence Explore the science behind the yoga practices, how it can influence immune system functioning through physical, mental, and physiological pathways.
How does it alter inflammation and the disease process of autoimmune diseases?
Harnessing Ayurveda for Autoimmune Wellness: Traditional Healing in Modern Times
  • Traverse the scientific evidence supporting Ayurvedic interventions in the treatment and management of autoimmune conditions.
  • Understand how traditional Ayurvedic therapies, including herbal remedies, dietary guidelines, detoxification processes, and lifestyle practices may be utilised for co-managing autoimmune diseases.
Mindfulness and Meditation: Can Science Unlock Their Role in Managing Autoimmune Diseases? Understand the concepts of Heartfulness and Meditation. Status of current scientific research on how meditation and heartfulness influences immune system function and potentially impacts autoimmune diseases
11:20 - 11:40 Myofascial syndrome - an under-recognised entity in AIRD When to suspect MFPS , differentiating from fibromyalgia, utility of usg , management options
11:40 - 12:30 Orphan disease symposium
2 Sarcoidosis - Cardiac/ Neuro Behcet’s /DADA2/ Vexas/ infection Learning thru cases (5 cases -10 min each- 6 min for presentation- 4 min for discussion)
  • CMC
  • PGI
  • KGMU
  • MMC
  • JSS
  • AFMC
Valedictory function
13:00 - 14:00 LUNCH/ Packed Lunch
Hall C
Topics Learning objectives
9:00 - 10:00 Deodhar PG QUIZ
10:30 - 11:30 TBD

Note: Faculty names will be updated shortly.